Monday, May 31, 2010

Europe again

An interesting article that discusses the bond buying plan in Europe, and that maybe it isn't the best idea.

I agree w/ Bundesbank here. Greece relys too much on foriegn debt, and that they are only digging themselves a deeper hole. They should focus on countries that are not so dependent because they will be able to sustain themselves after a little help - where Greece probably won't be able to.


  1. I think this is a good point, without revolutionary change in Greece it doesn't seem like the country will be able to change their ways and the problem won't improve. But the question is: what is the right thing to do? Should we allow Greece to fail? We've discussed at some length the problems with that. Seems we're all stuck in a Catch 22 with Greece.

  2. Having Greece fail might be the right thing to do but no one morally/ethically wants to do that to a country because the reprecusions could be so devastating to the people in Greece.
