Thursday, May 19, 2011

Article Regarding the Deficit and the Upcoming Election


An interesting article regarding whether the government should wait for the 2012 election before making a decision on the budget deficit. What are your thoughts on the points made in the article?


  1. I think that the election in 2012 has a lot of influence on each politician's position for the budget deficit. Obviously the candidates don't want to propose ways to cut this deficit by higher taxes and other ways that will make the people in the US not want to vote for them. I believe that nothing major will occur until this election is over because nobody wants to risk losing voters by proposing higher taxes and budget cuts.

  2. I agree with Manor that political games are going to play a part in when action is taken. It's a sad reality that reelection takes precedent over an opportunity to make progressive change. Either way, I really like this article's point about taking time to make a decision so that citizens can get educated about the deficit and its consequences. It's that true for most issues in politics? If the public and our political leaders would all take the time to research the issue and figure out what path makes sense to each of us, then waiting until the election could turn out to not be such a horrible thing.
