Thursday, April 22, 2010

Trading Places

The Daily Show gives us a humorous take on the reversal of roles in international economics.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Wham-O Moves to America
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party
(Warning the end gets a little "salty")


  1. Funny video and it does illustrate the growth of China's economy and the increased standard of living demanded by the Chinese people. I hope that the quality of life in China continues to improve as the economy grows.

  2. I really enjoyed this video as well. I thought it was interesting how the topics of outsourcing and Chinese trade were brought up. I wonder if companies will truly start to move production home to the US. If so this could have tremendous implications for our relationship with China as well as how big business is conducted in the US.

  3. Really liked this video, it is interesting to see that over time it became economically rationale to move manufacturing back to the U.S. It really shows that China has developed as a market which may be good if it promotes domestic production.

  4. Great Video!! This shows that exports and imports are booming for China. If China decides to move some production to the United States it will create more jobs and set up a great relationship with China. Trade is mutually beneficial for all countries involved.
