Friday, April 23, 2010

Let's lobby the Senate!!

The Dodd financial reform legislation will be voted on by the Senate on Monday.  One proposed amendment would break up the big banks.  You can  petition your senators to allow a vote on the amendment.  I read about it on Simon Johnson's blog.  Go here


  1. at this point, I'm not sure its a good idea to break up the banks. We have deemed them "too big to fail" and therefore bailed them out. If we were going to break them up, I feel like the bail out wasn't good for anything and would have been a huge waste of money!

  2. It is interesting that the size of big banks is such a "hot button" issue and yet this is the first time I have heard about this petition. I would think that something like this would be more publicized.

  3. I guess I just dont see it happening. The big banks have a significant amount of power, so reform and regulation I can see being implemented but how would they go about breaking up the big banks? I agree that the big banks seem to have to much power but I guess I just dont understand what the process would look like.

  4. I hope the senate hears from more people besides the bank's lobbyists. I read they are spending $400 million to fight reform.

  5. Maybe this proposal proves that some people learned something from the bailouts. Those were given out in a time of panic and now that we've had some time to look back at it all, I think some people have come to realize that these corporations do need to broken down into something smaller and more regulated, hence this petition.
